Drighlington Primary Art Classes
Since January 2023, Ive been visiting Drighlington Primary in Leeds each week to do art classes with each year group from year 3 upwards. The aim of the sessions was to teach the children art but also to support the teachers in teaching art too. The sessions were an introduction to the elements of art and they were also an opportunity to explore art in an experimental way in the classroom. I did some CPD with the teachers back in October 2022 and these sessions were to support that further. Its become apparent to me, that there is insufficient art training at the teacher training level. Some teachers just need support and have the opportunity to build confidence in teaching art in the class room. The teachers joined in with the lessons with the children. It was a positive experience and has caused me to think about how I can help support the arts in schools in the future.
We spent a lot of time looking at methodology and how we use materials to make interesting work. Painting is always messy but the more we paint the better, it was good to learn about process and how we use it to explore our world in visual ways.
The kids made some really beautiful work and it was really good for me to adapt my understanding to different year groups in a consistent way.