Garforth Arts Network
Im trying to establish a Garforth Arts Network where local artists and community members can know about each other and where artists can support and collaborate with each other. I am currently working on a network zine which will be distributed in the local area. it will be about local artists work and ideas. I have also tried to launch a community sketch book project - similar to the Brooklyn Art Library scheme but more aimed at community members than artists.
The sketchbook project was initially done in conjunction with the local library and any finished sketchbook were potentially going to be on distally there. But since the Coviod 19 virus outbreak the library is closed.
I think this will take a very long time to establish, but I believe its worth it. If community members can use sketchbook to make images of their memories of Garforth and how they came to live here, then it will be an important social documentation. It will also help people try to explain things a visual way, making it humorous and accessible as its more about communication that beauty. And sometimes, if we are lucky they happen at the same time.