The Importance Of Exhibiting Children’s Art
Apart from grass stained clothes, scuffed walls and sticky hand prints, the only thing children can offer as gifts that is uniquely theres, is their own art work. That’s quite simply the most important reason for showing a child’s artistic expression.
At the end of each Aspire Sculpture Club we have an exhibition of the children’s work. Parents, carers and school leaders are invited to look at what the children have created over the six week project.
Its really important that the children get the opportunity to explain to others what they have made, its also a great time for me as an artist to see the body of work as a whole and reflect on what Iv’e learnt from the process. We studied Henry Moore and the children had the opportunity to look at his sculptures and learn about his life. They also had the opportunity to try and make forms that resemble his figurative work.
I think what I have learnt from Henry Moore is how sensitive he was to the curve of the human form. The kids enjoyed the simplicity of the form and they never once questioned the importance of abstract representation.
A child looking at their own work as a whole must foster a great sense of pride. They received throughout the project, weekly segments of information and experience. Seeing it all together as a whole body of work must have given them a great sense of achievement. Work that is collectively made, can be collectively viewed and each child's unique contribution celebrated.