Art Makes Children Powerful

Patrick Brill OBE is also known as Bob and Roberta Smith. He is known for his "slogan" art and is works have been exhibited and are in collections in Europe and the United States. He is an advocate for art education. The link below is to his website and you can see his letter to Mr Gove regarding arts in school.

'Look around you. What do you see? Everything is made. Everything has been fashioned by human beings who have considered all aspects of what they have made. Human beings consider the function in the system of commerce of what they make but at the same time their work creates images. Image is everything; visual worth, commercial value, moral virtue, authority and integrity.'

So I sent Bob an email telling him about the mobile studio and he replied.

Hi Penny,

That sounds great. All power to you....initiative and drive will keep the arts alive in school.

All the best,


We took the sculpture club to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park last year and Bob's 'Art makes Children Powerful' signage was on exhibition. It was a very strong piece of art work that the children enjoyed reading. I intend to email him again with updates on the rocket and how its being used.


Penny Rowe