Kindness Tree
At Asquith we had three days in the Rocket Studio making a tree sculpture as part of the schools Anti-Bully Week campaign. Each year group was represented, and we talked about the importance of trees and what they do for us as humans and we then made a tree. It was really good to explain to the children that dynamics of learning are different in the studio than from the classroom. The Rocket got covered in modroc as the children embraced the studio materials and we talked about each step of making a sculpture.
It was a murky November day, so I had an excuse to turn on the multi coloured LED lights on in the studio. A year six boy asked if it was a spaceship as he entered, which was very sweet, I told him it was indeed a Rocket. The tree will be used during anti-bully week for all the children to hang leaves on with kind sentiments about friendship on the branches.